Creating A Central Registry Account
Create a Central Registry Account if you will be:
  1. Submitting Central Registry/Child Abuse and Neglect Database Check request as a SC DSS Licensed ChildCare Facility, a SC DSS ABC Quality License Exempt Provider - you must have a CC# assigned to your organization to create a Childcare Central Registry Account.
  1. Submitting a Central Registry/Child Abuse and Neglect Database check request as a Child Welfare Provider - adoptions, foster care, name change, State Agency.
After creating an account you will receive an email if your account is approved. Then you will be able to submit Central Registry/Child Abuse and Neglect Database check request for your organization, manage your account invoices, view and print results.
Submitting a Central Registry - One Time Request (Non Account Holders)

If you will be submitting a Child Abuse and Neglect request infrequently, you should create a one-time request. You will not need to login- Click below to navigate to the Central Registry Electronic Form.

Some examples of on infrequent request - name change, private adoptions, live or work in another state and requesting a check for childcare, or SC Voucher family, friend, or Neighbor participant. If you are a SC DSS Licensed ChildCare Facility, a SC DSS ABC Quality License Exempt Provider - you MUST create an account, please see CREATING A CENTRAL REGISTRY ACCOUNT.

One-time request CAN ONLY be completed electronically after submitting a request, an email will be sent to the person listed under 'Requestor Name' from DONOTREPLY@DSS.SC. GOV, to complete their personal information, consent to DSS to complete the Central Registry check, sign and submit.

     FAQ-Create a One Time Request Central Registry
Childcare Worker Applicant Background Questionnaire DSS Form 1706

This is required for all SC Licensed Childcare providers or ABC Quality providers to complete South Carolina Code of Laws, Section §63-13-40(A) Background Checks for Employment; all licensed, regulated and registered childcare providers; any childcare provider that delivers services for which Child Care and Development Fund financial assistance is provided shall complete a criminal background check. The information obtained from this form is used as the basis for this criminal background check and goes in connection with the Fingerprint Background Check

You do not need to sign in- click below to navigate to the DSS Form 1706, Background Questionnaire. Your completed Questionnaire will be sent electronically to the Office of Inspector General for review. If you submit electronically, there is not a need to mail/fax in this form. If there are questions on what you submitted, the Office of Inspector General will contact you or the childcare facility. If you need assistance completing this DSS Form 1706, Background Questionnaire, or have questions regarding this form, please contact the DSS, Office of Inspector General at 803-898-8005.